Za dane poređane
U našim malim životima
Hvala, veliko hvala.
To anthologists
For the days placed in order
In our little lives
Thank you, thank you so much.
Pustih goluba
Da mi pređe put
A on mene da poletim.
I allowed the dove
To cross my path
And he allowed me to fly.
Zimski san
Jato vrana
U dubokim brazdama
S nogama u vis.
Crow flock
In deep furrows
Their legs up.
Jesenji boem
Listić zanjihan
U baricu sleteo.
Mrtav pijan.
Autumn bohemian
Small leaf in the wind
Landed into pool.
Dead drunk.
Prolećni šapat
Šapnuh li
Da si kao rog puža.
Kao jedan, pa drugi.
Spring whisper
Did I whisper you
You are like a snail tentacle.
Like one, than the other.
Kad odeš
Kad padne list,
Sleti ptica.
Kad odeš ti,
Ko će doći?
When you leave
When the leaf falls,
A bird lands.
When you leave,
Who will come?
Kraj puta
Glog s vrapcem
O desnom ramenu.
At the road side
Hawthorn with a sparrow
On the right shoulder.
Slobodan Branković
Prevod na engleski Sandra Ćelap